how to convert 69,95,384 into 6995384
i have a method for convert 6995384 into 69,95,384 .
public static string CurrencyMethod(string val,bool IsDecimal=false)
var x = val;
if (decimal.Parse(val) == 0 && IsDecimal)
return "0.0";
if (decimal.Parse(val) == 0)
return "0";
string sAfterPoint = x.Contains('.') ? '.' + x.Split('.')[1] : "";
string sBeforePoint = x.Contains('.') ? x.Split('.')[0] : x;
int sBeforePointLength = sBeforePoint.Length;
string sBeforePointLastThree = "";
string sBeforePointExceptLastThree = "";
var allchar = "";
if (sBeforePointLength > 3)
sBeforePointLastThree = sBeforePoint.Substring(sBeforePointLength - 3);
sBeforePointExceptLastThree = sBeforePoint.Substring(0, sBeforePointLength - 3);
if (sBeforePointExceptLastThree.Length % 2 == 0)
if (sBeforePointExceptLastThree.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < sBeforePointExceptLastThree.Length; i = (i + 2))
var f = sBeforePointExceptLastThree.Substring(i, 2);
allchar += f + ",";
allchar = sBeforePointExceptLastThree.Substring(0, 1) + ",";
var restallchar = sBeforePointExceptLastThree.Substring(1, sBeforePointExceptLastThree.Length - 1);
if (restallchar.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < restallchar.Length; i = (i + 2))
var f = restallchar.Substring(i, 2);
allchar += f + ",";
sBeforePointLastThree = sBeforePoint;
return allchar + sBeforePointLastThree + sAfterPoint;
But i want to do vice versa 69,95,384 into 6995384 .help me...