
How to control to team and share tasks between them ?

ahmed salah

ahmed salah

Sep 06

I work as senior dotnet developer  my team contain 6 persons seniors and memeber team is bad environment and toxic

I'm last one come on team and my reponsability senior .net developer

i found that 3 persons from team control on all tasks assigned to team and three co workers remaining not have any idea bout tasks 

theses three persons compliments each others and they arrange works and tasks between three persons only 

i need to make all tasks share and can take tasks from these people but not let me know that  

but How to make that 

example when ask these three persons for tasks they tell me it finish

when i tell them show me nothing finish 

three coworkers send complain to me on managment because i need to know and ask about tasks finish 

so How to deal with three coworkers and let them share tasks with me and other teams

sometimes the three people  agree with each others to late for  standup meeting to prevent me discuss about tasks i will get to work

so How to control pf them and make my work to be seen to managment 

my manager believe these three persons becuase he not understand technical he believe them 

so they told my manager about me that i worked with old technology but this not happen

can you give me any advice and skills or key to teate with these bad three persons  and also can make my manager accept my work ?


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