
How to consider the radio buttons as two groups in MVC

Hi i am having two groyup of radio buttons, i would like to select one in one group and any one another group, but acctually what happening is, when i select one radio button in 1st group and then if i select any one from 2nd group, 1st selction which i made gets disappear.
Can any one help me
 This is radio button controls in my view:
<div class="well form-horizontal" style="background-color: #ebebeb; margin-top: 1px;"> 
<div class="form-group">
@Html.Label("IAmThe", "I am the*", new { @id = "lblIam", @class = "control-label col-md-4" })
<div class="col-md-5">
<fieldset id="rbo">
<div class="radio1">
@Html.RadioButton("Active", 1, new { @class = "rbBorrower1", @name = "rbo" }) Primary Borrower
<div class="radio5">
@Html.RadioButton("Active", 5, new { @class = "rbThirdparty", @name = "rbo" }) Authorized 3rd Party
<div class="radio6">
@Html.RadioButton("Active", 6, new { @class = "rbSuccessorInInterest", @name = "rbo" }) Successor In Interest
<div class="panel panel-primary" id="bpPreferredContact" style="border: none; background-color:#ebebeb">
<div class="panel-body">
<div class="form-group">
@Html.Label("lblPreferrdContact", "Preferred Method Of Contact", new { @id = "lblPreferrdContact", @class = "control-label col-md-4" })
<div class="col-md-5">
<fieldset id="rbo1">
<div class="radio" id="bpEmail">
@Html.RadioButton("Active", "Email", new { @id = "rbEmail", @name = "rbo1" }) Email
<div class="radio" id="bpHomePhone">
@Html.RadioButton("Active", "HomePhone", new { @id = "rbHomePhone", @name = "rbo1" }) Home Phone
<div class="radio" id="bpMobilePhone">
@Html.RadioButton("Active", "MobilePhone", new { @id = "rbMobilePhone", @name = "rbo1" }) Mobile Phone
<div class="radio" id="bpWebsite">
@Html.RadioButton("Active", "Website", new { @id = "rbThisWebsite", @name = "rbo1" }) This Website
Answers (1)