
How to combine data from two different csv documents

Hello, there are two tables in Excell workbook, two different CSV documents with data : 

Product Price List
product code product name product price
101 Bread 100,00
102 Meat 600,00
Main Product Price List
no. product code product name product current price product new price
1 500 Milk 100,00 150,00
2 102 Meat 600,00 700,00

Is there some way to UPDATE product price column in table Product Price List with values from column product new price from table Main Product Price List ?

After UPDATE was executed, table Product Price List should look like this :

Product Price List
product code product name product price
101 Bread 100,00
102 Meat 700,00

I know how to write program in C# to UPDATE table, load two different excell csv documents and manipulate data inside to get desired result,  but I am interested is there some way to do UPDATE trough some Excell functions, filters , or some internal Ecell script.

All the best,

Željko Peric.

Answers (2)