@foreach (var dat in Model.presentda)
Itemin sfdsf = new Itemin();
sfdsf.show_dates = dat;
@*<button class="btn btn-primary">@Html.Raw(@dat)</button>*@
@*<span>Date :</span>@dat.dates<<br />*@
foreach (var dat2 in Model.dates)
Itemin item = new Itemin();
item.show_dates = dat2;
@*<button class="btn btn-primary">@Html.Raw(@dat2)</button>*@
int result = DateTime.Compare( DateTime.Parse(dat2), DateTime.Parse(dat));
if (result == -1)
<label class="somedate">@dat</label>
else if (result == 0)
<button class="sods">@dat</button>
else if (result > 0) ///////////////////////////// here i am checking dates if condition is coming this loop iam displaying lable but same date is comparing with all date with other model so evryy time lable is creatd for same date. i want to display only one time for lable for unique date how?
<label class="dfgh">@dat</label>
} @*<span>Date :</span>@dat.dates<<br />*@