
How to change statment to accept (= and like) in same time

ahmed sa

ahmed sa

Hi guys i make dynamic filter in datagridview but i face proplem
when i using to search for number as example
555 and inside id three values as 555,5555,55555 it give me three value
but actually there are one value found so that i need to use equal =  with like statment in same time
are this possible my code as below:

private void searchgrid_TextChanged(List<field> fields)

 System.Data.DataView dv = ((System.Data.DataView)dataGridView1.DataSource); //
 _textFilters = ""; //reset filters

bool first = true; //to handle the " and "

foreach (field f in fields)


if (f.Value.Length > 0) //only if there is a value to filter for


if (!first) _textFilters += " and ";

_textFilters += f.Field + " like '%" + f.Value + "%'";

 first = false;

dv.RowFilter = _textFilters;

this.label1.Text = _textFilters;


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