Hi Team,
I am totally new to angular. I have angular UI where we upload a .CSV file with 6 columns and their respective data, so before I invoke .net API, I need to change. If the 1st column has data with 9 digits, then we need to change it to 10 digits just by prefixing ‘0’; for example, If the Excel 1st (AccountNumber)column data is ‘217614234’, this number has to be changed to ‘0217614234’, after the changed entire file content I need pass to API.
Here is my working Code for uploaded data that is being passed to API. Now, I need to add a condition to change the number to 10 digits. If I found a 9-digit number, this is applicable only to the 1st (AccountNumber) column in the .csv file that was uploaded.
UserNumber |
876876876 |
Hello |
AccountNumber |
State |
Current |
Premium |
Interest |
Total |
1207614641 |
FL |
GG |
200.51 |
24.58 |
225.09 |
217614234 |
FL |
GG |
474.65 |
51.77 |
526.42 |
Here is a sample exelsheet - https://i.stack.imgur.com/mynhP.png
<input #fileUpload type="file" class="file-upload" name="fileUpload" id="fileUpload" accept=".xlsx,.xls,.csv" required (change)="onFileChange($event)">
<button (click)="UploadFile(form.value)" type="button" mat-raised-button color="primary" [disabled]="!fileSelected">Upload</button>
onFileChange(event: any): void {
this.file = event.target.files[0];
if (this.file) {
console.log("this.file.type: " + this.file.type);
const fileName = this.file.name;
this.fileSelected = true;
this.invalidFileType = false;
this.invalidFileSize = false;
this.invalidFileRecords = false;
let file: File = this.file;
var value;
const fileReader = new FileReader();
fileReader.onload = (e: any) => {
value = e.target.result;
this.data = value;
var rows = e.target.result.split("\n");
if (rows.length > 6003) {
LoggerService.error(`upload records less than 6K.`, true, true);
UploadFile(filevalue) {
const reqbody = {
filename: this.file?.name,
destinationPath: '',
lines: this.data.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9,\n\r.'" ]/g, "").split('\r\n')
var route = "CallNETAPI";
this.dataService.post(reqbody, route).subscribe(
(data: any[]) => {
console.log("Response data: " + data);
LoggerService.success(`File successfully uploaded to server`, true, false);
this.responseData = data;
(error: Response) => {
this.displayError = true;
this.errorText = `Error from CallNETAPI API service ${error.status}`;