I'm trying to build a system that creates a reference number, using an ID created when a new record is saved..
The user makes a series of selections using a dropdown lists in a view and then presses Submit. Based on the unique ID and the values Selected in the DropDownLists I want to make a ReferenceNumber consisting of The UniqueID from the Proposals Table and Initials that reside in the DropDownLists source Tables. For example:
On the View Page the user makes a series of SelectBox choices and presses Submit. This calls an IACTION with end up with an HttpPost Action
I have been able to save the new record, capture the new record ID and the ProposalCategoryId by Saving and capturing the ID into an int called: myId and a var called catId
I need to somehow get the
ProposalCategoryIntials, I've tried so many methods but so far have failed. I did set up var
PropoInitial = _unitOfWork.ProposalCategory.GetAll(); which when I put a breakpoint on I discover all the three fields from the Category database are in there. and all the field names are in there. All I need is the
ProposalCategoryIntials based on the CategoryID that was posted. I can see it in the BreakPoint information but I cannot work out how to get it.
Once I have it I want to add it to the string, I have ID and ProposalCategory in there so far:
proposalVM.Proposal.ProposalReference = "Test New ID: " + "-" + myid + "-" + catid + "-" + PropoInitial;
I am using PropoInitial to try to capture the ProposalCategoryIntials, but as PropoInitial has three columns and all data it's causing an error.
Once I've built the string I then need to open up the details page send the ID which will then show the generated ProposalReference
My issue is I can't get to ProposalCategoryIntials and once I have I need to send an ID with the
return RedirectToAction(nameof(Details));
Here's the troublesome part of my ProposalController.
public IActionResult Upsert(ProposalVM proposalVM)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
if (proposalVM.Proposal.ProposalId == 0)
var catid = proposalVM.Proposal.ProposalCategoryId;
int myid = proposalVM.Proposal.ProposalId;
var PropoInitial = _unitOfWork.ProposalCategory.GetAll();
proposalVM.Proposal.ProposalReference = "Test New ID: " + "-" + myid + "-" + catid + "-" + PropoInitial;
return RedirectToAction(nameof(Details));
Any help is gratefully received.
The IUpsert process the record is saved, at that point I can capture the unique Id of the new record.
I then want to build a string using that unique ID and values from the SelectListsand