My CMainViewModel has a property called AnalogGaugeValue1
On my main Windows I have a data template as shown below. I use this template to load a user control name AnalogIOView and try to binding the dependecy property, GaugeValue1DP, inside AnalogIOView to the AnalogGaugeValue1
GaugeValue1DP="{Binding Path=AnalogGaugeValue1}" />
I use the ContentControl to load the AnalogIOViewTemplate as shown below
The user control displays correctly on my Window but I could not set the Analog Gauge value through binding in CMainViewModel.
However, If I just load the user control directly (without using Control Template) then it is working correctly as shown below
GaugeValue1DP="{Binding Path=AnalogGaugeValue1}" />
My question is why it does not work when loading the user control using Content control and data template
Thanks for your help