I am using the below code to bind data to datagrid in WPF. since I have huge data and I am using nested for loop, it is consuming more time to process it and display it using the datagrid.
Table structure is as below:
Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4
1 2 1 [{"Name":"A1","Vol":10},{"Name":"A2","Vol":1},{"Name":"A3","Vol":11}]
1 2 2 [{"Name":"A1","Vol":20},{"Name":"A2","Vol":2},{"Name":"A3","Vol":22}]
1 2 3 [{"Name":"A1","Vol":30},{"Name":"A2","Vol":3},{"Name":"A3","Vol":33}]
1 3 1 [{"Name":"A1","Vol":40},{"Name":"A2","Vol":4},{"Name":"A3","Vol":44}]
1 3 2 [{"Name":"A1","Vol":50},{"Name":"A2","Vol":5},{"Name":"A3","Vol":55}]
All columns are of type nvarchar. Since col4 has huge data, Im storing data in JSON format.(because each set has to be represented as a column in the output window)Output that I am expecting is, Col1 Col2 Col3 A1 A2 A31 2 1 10 1 111 2 2 20 2 22
1 2 3 30 3 33
1 3 1 40 4 44 1 3 2 50 5 55
Table can contain data upto 50,000 rows and Col4 can contain data upto 300 sets
(here I have mentioned only 3 set of data for col4)
In order to perform this operation for 50,000 data and 300 set of data in col4, It has to take less than a second of time.
please find the below code and suggest me the alternative for this.
public List<SampleJSONTable> LoadDataGridViewToTestUpdate()
DataEntities ob = new DataEntities();
var result = (from c in ob.SampleJSONTable
select c);
return result.ToList<SampleJSONTable>();
private DataTable LoadDataToTable()
Repository obj = new Repository();
List<SampleJSONTable> tableData = obj.LoadDataGridViewToTestUpdate();
var dataTable = new DataTable();
dataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Col1", typeof(int)));
dataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Col2", typeof(string)));
dataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Col3", typeof(string)));
//dataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Col4", typeof(string)));
foreach (var item in tableData.ToList<SampleJSONTable>())
var dataRow = dataTable.NewRow();
dataRow["Col1"] = item.Col1;
dataRow["Col2"] = item.Col2;
dataRow["Col3"] = item.Col3;
IEnumerable<Column4Data> deserializedProduct = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<IEnumerable<Column4Data>>(item.Col4);
foreach (var jsonItem in deserializedProduct)
if (!dataTable.Columns.Contains(jsonItem.Name.ToString()))
dataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(jsonItem.Name.ToString(), typeof(int)));
dataRow[jsonItem.Name.ToString()] = jsonItem.Vol;
return dataTable;