
How to assign string that contains double quotes(")

Venkat Kumar

Venkat Kumar

I'm working on webapi project there I'm facing an issue to display the same data that is in Database.
For Example: Data Exist in Database is Sai"Pradeep
  1. Result objResult = new Result();  
  2. List<Result> lObj = new List<Result>();   
  3. objResult.Description = "Sai\"Pradeep";  
  4. lObj.Add(objResult);   
As per the above code I'm getting below output. My focus is on the data in Description field.
               "Description" : "Sai\"Pradeep"
My Expectation is
"Descripton" : "Sai"Pradeep"
I tried using Replace also but none of them works out to me. 
When I run in Console project using below code it is working as I expected.
  1. string desc="Sai\"Pradeep";  
  2. Console.WriteLine(desc);   
Output: Sai"Pradeep 
It would be great if anyone can help me out in this scenerio.
Answers (1)