
How to add new empty row to table based on dropdown id using

suman goud

suman goud

When customer(dropdown) is selected am binding pending value and amount of that customer in two texboxes.
i given +(Add) to add new row to bind another customer details, am able to add new row, but in that added row same first selected
values are binding and if i change dropdown in second row,both 2 rows values are changing .
i have tried using for loop but am not getting ,
ReceiptsViewModel is to retrie data from multiple tables
<table id="myTable" class="tableData" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<tr ng-repeat="r in rvm">
<select ng-model="c" ng-change="GetAccountBalance($index,c)" ng-options="c.ID as c.Name for c in customer track by c.ID" name="tCustomer">
<option value="">Select Customer</option>
<input type="text" ng-model="ReceiptsViewModel.Pendings" name="tPendings" />
<input type="text" ng-model="ReceiptsViewModel.Pendings" name="tAmount" />
<td ng-if="$last">
<a href="#">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-plus orange" ng-click="addRow($index,c)"></span>
<td ng-if="!$last">
<a href="#">
<span class="glyphicon glyphicon-minus orange" ng-click="deleteRow($index)"></span>
$scope.rvm = [{}];
$scope.GetAccountBalance = function (index, c) {
var getPendingData = ReceiptsService.GetPendings(c);
getPendingData.then(function (d) {
$scope.ReceiptsViewModel = d.data;
}, function (error) {
//for (x in d.data) {
// if (d.data.Party == c) {
// var newdata = d.data;
// $scope.ReceiptsViewModel[x] = newdata;
// }
// }
//adding row on plus click
$scope.addRow = function (index, c) {
if ($scope.rvm.length == (index + 1)) {
$scope.deleteRow = function ($index) {
$scope.rvm.splice($index, 1);
public JsonResult GetPendings(int? pendingID)
string eid = pendingID.ToString();
TestDemoEntities db = new TestDemoEntities();
var data = (from ap in db.Accounting_PendingBills
join apa in db.Accounting_PendingBillsAdjusted on ap.BillRef equals apa.TowardsBillRef
group apa by new { ap.BillDate, ap.Amount, ap.Party, apa.TowardsBillRef } into g
select new
Amount = g.Key.Amount,
Pendings= g.Sum(aa => aa. Pendings)
}).Where(ap => ap.Party == eid).FirstOrDefault();
// }).Where(ap => ap.Party == eid).ToList();
return Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);
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