How to add multilocations on google map using angular 7 ?
How to
step 1 : on html component
- <agm-map
- [latitude]="lat"
- [longitude]="lng"
- [zoom]="zoom"
- [disableDefaultUI]="false"
- [zoomControl]="false">
- <agm-marker
- *ngFor="let m of markers;"
- [latitude]=""
- [longitude]="m.long"
- >
- </agm-marker>
- </agm-map>
step2 :on component.ts
- export class ManagelocationsComponent implements OnInit, AfterViewInit {
- markers=[];
- this.partDetailsService.getLocationData(locationArr).subscribe(res => {
- res.forEach((item, index) => {
- let dataLocation = res[index]['_source']['GPS1'];
- })
- console.log("dataLocation values is" + dataLocation );
Result points for latitude and longtude from browser :
dataLocation values is
- 5.2951916,100.28825170000005,
- 30.788892,120.632503,
- 13.658933,100.634069,
- 10.328074,123.983185,
- 31.332119,120.723465
I need to add latitude and longtude above on googlemap
so How to represent this please