
How to add keys to content body variable when display data d

I work on angular 7 app I display data and column headers dynamically
I show content data without header by using content Body Variable
but problem I face is cannot catch data values or catch data cell values so that
I need to add key to content body
my ts code
  1. this._displayreport.GetReportDetailsPaging(this.searchData).subscribe((data: any[]) => {  
  2. this.reportdetailslist = data;  
  3. this.headerCols = Object.keys(data[0]);  
  4. data.forEach((item) =>{  
  5. let values = Object.keys(item).map((key)=> item[key])  
  6. this.contentBody.push(values);  
  7. });  
to get contentbody data I do
  1. <tr *ngFor="let rep of contentBody">  
  2. <td *ngFor="let r1 of rep"><span>{{r1}}</span></td>  
  3. <td  
  4. </tr>  
Result Returned
ReportId    onlineurl              reportdate
1222          localhost:5000/    12-12-2018
data current for content body displayed on browser console as :
Expected Result i need to content body display as below
Answers (1)