
How to add country code or culture in url

i like to know how could we add culture or country code in url of asp.net webform project and asp.net mvc4/5 project.
i search lot but found none such. i found few article they show how to set culture in code just render data from right resource file but none show how to add culture or country code in url.
i want when i will start my project then then url would look like http://localhost:port/gb or http://localhost:port/en-gb
and right country code or culture code will be added in other links in of the page.
there will be country flag when user click in germany flag then german country code or culture code will be added in url.
please advise me how to do it. it would be better if some one shared few article links which show how to add country code or culture code in url whose code i can download and run in my pc.
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