i want to coment certain element in xml using c# as below,pls help me as iam new to c# coding
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Test-Case Name="ENH 1364_TC2_List of currencies within sublimit_sublimit" TSID="144514" Parameterized="No" NodePath="Root\LoanIQ 7.1 ORA\" TestSet-Name="ENH-1364" Directory-Path="C:\temp2\TestCases\1\" ProceedOnError="No" Dependency="" />
<!--<Test-Case Name="ENH 1364_TC3_List of currencies within the sublimit_currency sublimit" TSID="144515" Parameterized="No" NodePath="Root\LoanIQ 7.1 ORA\" TestSet-Name="ENH-1364" Directory-Path="C:\temp2\TestCases\2\" ProceedOnError="No" Dependency="" />
<Test-Case Name="ENH 1364_TC4_List of currencies_Add Sublimit" TSID="144516" Parameterized="No" NodePath="Root\LoanIQ 7.1 ORA\" TestSet-Name="ENH-1364" -->