Which is the best way to get the very huge data fastly? I've data like POSTS, Comments and replies just like facebook.
And as i heard that for huge data we need to have pagination. If <b>YES</b> please guide me regarding that.
And these are the code ive.
var query = (from p in db.TblPost where (from q in db.TblThread where q.LocationLocationid == locationID && q.CategoriesCategoryid == categoryID select q.Threadid).Contains(p.ThreadThreadid) join r in db.TblThread on p.ThreadThreadid equals r.Threadid join s in db.TblUser on p.UserUserid equals s.Userid join t in db.TblCategories on r.CategoriesCategoryid equals t.Categoryid join u in db.TblLocation on r.LocationLocationid equals u.Locationid orderby r.CreatedTime descending select new { p, r.Subject, r.EventAddress, r.EventClosetime, r.EventDate, r.EventDuration, r.EventStarttime, r.EventTitle, r.IseventAllday, r.TargetUsers, r.CreatedTime, s.FirstName, s.MiddleName, s.LastName, t.Name, u.Locationname, r.Isreadonly }).ToList();
Case 2:
List<TblPost> _tblPost = new List<TblPost>();
_tblPost = (from p in db.TblPost select p).ToList();
List<TblThread> _tblThread = new List<TblThread>();
_tblThread = (from p in db.TblThread select p).ToList();
List<TblUser> _tblUser = new List<TblUser>();
_tblUser = (from p in db.TblUser select p).ToList();
List<TblLocation> _tblLocation = new List<TblLocation>();
_tblLocation = (from p in db.TblLocation select p).ToList();
List<TblCategories> _tblCategory = new List<TblCategories>();
_tblCategory = (from p in db.TblCategories select p).ToList();
var query = (from p in _tblPost where (from q in _tblThread where q.LocationLocationid == locationID && q.CategoriesCategoryid == categoryID select q.Threadid).Contains(p.ThreadThreadid) join r in _tblThread on p.ThreadThreadid equals r.Threadid join s in _tblUser on p.UserUserid equals s.Userid join t in _tblCategory on r.CategoriesCategoryid equals t.Categoryid join u in _tblLocation on r.LocationLocationid equals u.Locationid orderby r.CreatedTime descending select new { p, r.Subject, r.EventAddress, r.EventClosetime, r.EventDate, r.EventDuration, r.EventStarttime, r.EventTitle, r.IseventAllday, r.TargetUsers, r.CreatedTime, s.FirstName, s.MiddleName, s.LastName, t.Name, u.Locationname, r.Isreadonly }).ToList();
I've these tow codes which results the same. But, in `case 2` i'm getting the result some quickly as compared to `case 1`. Which one should i need to follow?