
how do i get data from xml

Gaurav Singh

Gaurav Singh

I have created a form which have two text boxes. txtName and txtJob.
What i did is whenever user enter Name and job in respective boxes,
those Name and Job got saved as xml like this
<!--Name job Configuration-->
 ' <'Name>NameFromTextBox'<'/'Name'>
  <'job'>JobFromTextBox '<'/'job'>'
My code :

XDocument xNameJobXml = new XDocument(

new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-16", "yes"),

new XComment("Name job Configuration"),

new XElement("NameJobConfig",

new XElement("Name", txtName.Text),

new XElement("job", txtJob.Text))


msg = xNameJobXml.ToString();



i saved this xml as string in a string variable msg. This xml persist somewhere in collection as string.
now i want when i run the instance again i want to retrieve the data "Name" and "Job" into txtName field and txtJob field
from that xml which i had generated and and saved in string var..

How can i do it? Looping through string which is holding the xml? plz help me.

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