
how cani create an event or job in mysql to merge the content in the files

Dorababu Meka

Dorababu Meka

Hi all, I am having a small requirement so i would like to know is it good create an event or job for that. Assume that i have some 3 files in my table on the end of day i have to merge all those in to a single file so that what ever content that is presented in that 3 are to be merged together and should displayed in a file and has to be saved in the table with some file name and the content also to be saved i will declare this as blob in my table to save the content

If it is possible means can any one give me an idea to achieve this.

The initial table which holds the files is as follows

File Name Content
Xyz.txt Blob
ABC.txt Blob
NOP.txt Blob

I have to read each and every file name and content from the table and has to merge them all together

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