
How can show a doc file on the aspx page

Aditya Chauhan

Aditya Chauhan

Hello Experts,
I am little bit confuse for work on it.
I have a document file path in database and having files in related folders
and i want to just show the doc file on the aspx page which path is come from the database.
now i have tried many ways to use it
1:Show in the Iframe
//but this is not work
2: i am not use it in html5 with object and datasource this is not getting file path from c#
3:i have a tried another solution for it.it is complex for me
but i tried
in this step i am trying to convert doc file to html then it show in the webpage with iframe
may be it is work
but when i give the path from database then this is not working

can any one suggest to solve it how can i come from it

Note:* how can i show the documents files on the webpage when path come from the database?
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