
How can Make Pincode Search below this code using

Sam Daniel

Sam Daniel

Requests can be sent over HTTP. Data can be returned as JSON, XML, or JSONP.

Datastore API URL
Datastores can be queried at: https://data.gov.in/api/datastore/resource.json?resource_id=0a076478-3fd3-4e2c-b2d2-581876f56d77&api-key=YOURKEY

The default return format is JSON. XML can be retrieved with '.xml' at the end: https://data.gov.in/api/datastore/resource.xml?resource_id=0a076478-3fd3-4e2c-b2d2-581876f56d77&api-key=YOURKEY
Request Parameters
resource_id (mixed) – id (string) or ids (array) of the resource to be searched against.
filters (mixed) – array or string of matching conditions to select
offset (int) – offset this number of rows
limit (int) – maximum number of rows to return (default: 100)
fields (array or comma separated string) – fields to return (default: all fields in original order)
sort (array) – comma separated field names with ordering
join (array) – array of fields to join from multiple tables