
How can I make a program like this?

Aida Elca

Aida Elca

1. Create Class BoardMarker with the ff: private class variables(inkColor and inkContent) with inital values (Black and 20).
                  Declare the ff: methods
A. displayInfo (Show the inkColor and inkContent)
B. changeColor ( Ask the user to input new color.
      Note: You cannot change the color if the ink is not empty)
C. refill( Set the inkContent to 20ml)
D. write(Deduct 10ml every time you execute this method) Note: You cannot execute this method if the inkContent is
empty…Prompt the user to refill.
                  Create another Class Program containing the Main method. In the main Method, create an object bm of the class
BoardMarker. Show the Main MENU
Sample Output:
1. Display Info
2. Change Color
3. Refill
4. Write
5. Exit
Enter you choice:
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