
How can I get the path of the project where my custom control will add

Simos Sigma

Simos Sigma


I am working on a custom control and I am trying to find a way to get the path of the project where my custom control will added to... Not the one where I am making it.

The reason is because I want to add some strings from my custom control into embedded Resources.resx file of the project where my custom control will added to.

Here is an example of my code...

public class SVGEditor : UITypeEditor
    private OpenFileDialog open_file_dialog = null;

    protected virtual void InitializeDialog(OpenFileDialog open_file_dialog)
        open_file_dialog.Title = "Select an SVG File: ";
        open_file_dialog.Filter = "SVG File (*.svg)|*.svg";

    public override UITypeEditorEditStyle GetEditStyle(ITypeDescriptorContext context)
        return UITypeEditorEditStyle.Modal;

    public override object EditValue(ITypeDescriptorContext context, IServiceProvider provider, object value)
        if (provider is null || provider.GetService(typeof(IWindowsFormsEditorService)) is null)
            return value;

        Control ctrl = (Control)context.Instance;

        if (open_file_dialog is null)
            open_file_dialog = new OpenFileDialog();

        if (value is string s) open_file_dialog.FileName = s;

        if (open_file_dialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            ctrl.Capture = true;

            //[ The path of .resx file. ]
/* ---> */  string resx_file_path = Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\Properties\\Resources.resx";

            //[ Generates resource's name by filename. ]
            string resource_name = Path.GetFileName(open_file_dialog.FileName);

            //[ Converts file's XmlDocument to string. ]
            XmlDocument xml_document = new XmlDocument { XmlResolver = null };
            string svg_image_document = xml_document.InnerXml;

            //[ Adds resource to .resx file. ]
            Helpers.ResourcesOperator.Add_or_Update_Resource(resource_name, svg_image_document, resx_file_path);

            //[ Returns only the name of resource. ]
            return resource_name;

        return value;

My "problem" located at the place where the "--->" sign is. I tried using Environment.CurrentDirectory and some other stuff I found in stackoverflow, but with no luck. When I place my control to another project I get a message that could not find this path.

Thank you in advance!!!