
how can i do code reusable in c#

kedar pawgi

kedar pawgi

Hi i need help regarding creating code reuse. I am developing desktop application where there are lots of form. In every form there are many textboxes, dropdown list box, i have button for adding new record . When i click "new" button for adding new record, what i do first is clear the contents of the textboxes and dropdown box(code is like ---- txtName.text=" ",txtAddr.text="",cbSupplierName.text="" to give some example). I do this thing for every form where i have to add new record. i do whole thing for every form. The help i want is how can i use the same code for every form or is there any way i can just get rid of this type of way of coding. Please guide me.. It becomes very tiresome to do the same code again and again.
Thanks in Advance.
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