Hide focused richtextbox blue selection
I am doing a syntax highlighter (which is my first c# project) and I have some performance problems.
Every time I have to color a word, I stop the repaint, color the word, enable repaint and invalidate the richtextbox.
This is the richtextbox class:
namespace test
class rtb:RichTextBox
private static extern IntPtr SendMessage(IntPtr hWnd, int msg, IntPtr wp, IntPtr lp);
private const int WM_SETREDRAW = 0x0b;
public void BeginUpdate()
SendMessage(this.Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, (IntPtr)0, IntPtr.Zero);
public void EndUpdate()
SendMessage(this.Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, (IntPtr)1, IntPtr.Zero);
The invalidation (refresh) causes, sometimes, some rows of text to flicker, which is unpleasant. If I don't stop the repaint and color the words directly, the blue selection of the word is visible.
I color the words with this method :
private void doPaint(int start, int length, Color selColor)
rtb1.BeginUpdate(); // rtb1 is the richtextbox (from rtb class)
rtb1.SelectionStart = start;
rtb1.SelectionLength = length;
rtb1.SelectionColor = selColor;
rtb1.SelectionLength = 0;
How can I hide that blue selection, while the user is typing, and color the word? If that is not possible, how can I stop that small flicker caused by the refreshing of the richtextbox?
Thank you in advance !