pushpa pushpa
1. Polynomial Differentiation
#include”iostream.h” #include”conio.h” struct node { int coeff; int pow; struct node *next; }; class polydiff { struct node *head; struct node *i; public: void creation(); void display(); void differen(); polydiff(); }; polydiff::polydiff() { head=NULL; } void polydiff::creation() { char res; struct node *temp; head=new struct node(); cout<<"Enter the 1st term in the polynomial with coeff & Power"; cin>>head->coeff; cin>>head->pow; head->next=NULL; cout<<"do u want to add another node\n"; cin>>res; while(res=='y'res=='Y') { temp=new struct node(); cout<<"Enter coeff & power\n"; cin>>temp->coeff; cin>>temp->pow; temp->next=NULL; for(i=head;i->next!=NULL;i=i->next); i->next=temp; cout<<"Interested in adding another node\n"; cin>>res; } } void polydiff::display() { for(i=head;i!=NULL;i=i->next) { if(i->pow!=0) { cout<coeff<<"X^"; cout<pow<<"+"; } else cout<coeff; } } void polydiff::differen() { for(i=head;i!=NULL;i=i->next) { if(i->pow!=0) { i->coeff=i->coeff*i->pow; i->pow--; } else { i->coeff=0; i->pow=0; } } } void main() { clrscr(); polydiff p; printf(“POLYNOMIAL DIFFERENTIATION\n”); p.creation(); p.display(); cout<<"\n\nDifferentiation is\n"; p.differen(); p.display(); getch(); } OUTPUT: POLYNOMIAL DIFFERENTIATION Enter the 1st term in the polynomial with coeff & Power 25 4 do u want to add another node y Enter coeff & power 12 3 Interested in adding another node y Enter coeff & power 1 1 Interested in adding another node y Enter coeff & power 10 0 Interested in adding another node n 25X^4+12X^3+1X^1+10 Differentiation is 100X^3+36X^2+10