
here custum generic list , I want to remove all pipelist who value is small in arraylist through the for loop and display in the main method ?

javaid nazim

javaid nazim

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

List<PipesList> lstPipeTypes = new List<PipesList>();

lstPipeTypes.Add(new PipesList("PVC Pipes"));
lstPipeTypes[0].Pipes.Add(new Pipe("The blue pipe", 12));
lstPipeTypes[0].Pipes.Add(new Pipe("The red pipe", 15));
lstPipeTypes[0].Pipes.Add(new Pipe("The silver pipe", 6));
lstPipeTypes[0].Pipes.Add(new Pipe("The green pipe", 52));

lstPipeTypes.Add(new PipesList("Iron Pipes"));
lstPipeTypes[1].Pipes.Add(new Pipe("The gold pipe", 9));
lstPipeTypes[1].Pipes.Add(new Pipe("The orange pipe", 115));
lstPipeTypes[1].Pipes.Add(new Pipe("The pink pipe", 1));

lstPipeTypes.Add(new PipesList("Chrome Pipes"));
lstPipeTypes[2].Pipes.Add(new Pipe("The grey pipe", 12));
lstPipeTypes[2].Pipes.Add(new Pipe("The black pipe", 15));
lstPipeTypes[2].Pipes.Add(new Pipe("The white pipe", 19));
lstPipeTypes[2].Pipes.Add(new Pipe("The brown pipe", 60));
lstPipeTypes[2].Pipes.Add(new Pipe("The peach pipe", 16));

lstPipeTypes = RemoveTheSmallPipes(lstPipeTypes);

foreach (var pipeList in lstPipeTypes)
Console.WriteLine("PipesList: {0}", pipeList.pipeType);

foreach (var pipe in pipeList.Pipes)
Console.WriteLine("{0}, length: {1}", pipe.name, pipe.length);
Console.WriteLine("this is pipelinelenght{0}", lstPipeTypes.Count);

Console.WriteLine("Done, press return to exit");

public static List<PipesList> RemoveTheSmallPipes(List<PipesList> lstPipeTypes)
int a = 19;

//The method RemoveTheSmallPipes is meant to get rid of all of the pipes with lengths less than 19.
//Please add the code into this method to search through the ArrayList of PipeList, and remove the small pipes from them

for (int i = 0; i < lstPipeTypes.Count; i++)

if (lstPipeTypes[i].Pipes )


return lstPipeTypes;



class PipesList
public string pipeType;
public List<Pipe> Pipes;

public PipesList(string newBoxType)
pipeType = newBoxType;
Pipes = new List<Pipe>();

class Pipe
public string name;
public float length;

public Pipe(string newName, float newLength)
this.name = newName;
this.length = newLength;


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