
help with file upload



hello, let me get it straight.. i am developing a content management site..it shd wrk this way.... Checkout bttn click--selected powrpoint file frm th server directory gets copied to client system and it opens up in another wndow and user starts editing. checkin bttn click--after editing the file, wen user clicks checkin, th file gets automatically added to the server with a new file version name. please note that th user just has to selct the file only ...the file path inth server and in th client machine(a dedicated folder for th applctin) are not entered by the user. new file bttn click---a new file is added to the server directory..and it opens in anothr wndow for editing. i know tht htmlinput elemnt of typ 'file' can be usd..but the user has to enter th file path...can anyone hellp me findout th solution...if u need more infor feel free to contact..........million thnx in advance.