
Help with a class proplem

Rene Nielsen

Rene Nielsen


ok so i have this projekt where i have this attribute currentField in my class and i define that in my code
public void RollDiceAndMove()
if (oldField == 0)
oldField = 1;
currentField = oldField;
lastThrow = Dice.GetDices();
currentField = GameBoard.Move(currentField, lastThrow);
oldField = currentField;

when i then try in another place to go and get currentField
public string LandedOn()
board = GameBoard.GetBoard();
string temp = board[currentField-1];
return temp;

then currentField = 1 again even though i gave it a value before. it is probally easier to see what i mean if u get the full projekt
please take a look and help me because i cant seem to find the error that keeps resetting the value of it

Attachment: Matador2.zip

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