
Help on this project

Ricky Jj

Ricky Jj

I need help creating this login page for ASP.net

Create a login page for your web site. The page should have the following controls (all controls must be appropriately labeled):

· User Name text box

· Password text box

· Submit button (if the user name is Joe and password is Doe then display a web page with the message "Login Success" else display a web page with the message "Login Failed")

· Clear button (will clear the form)


Create a registration form for your web site. The page should have the following controls (all controls must be appropriately labeled):

· User Name text box

· Password text box (set TextMode to password)

· Re-conform Password text box

· Name text box

· Street Address text box

· Drop down list box for selecting a state (populate it with names of five states)

· Drop down list box for selecting a city (this will be populated with names of five city based on the state selected in the drop down list box for state. For example, if the user select Colorado from the drop down list box for state then populate city list box with Denver, Colorado Springs, Aurora, Centennial, Littleton. You will have to set the AutoPostBack to true for the state drop down list box).

· Zip Code text box

· Radio buttons list for selecting sex (male or female)

· Check boxes list for selecting hobbies (Reading, Watching TV, Biking, Stamp Collecting, Cooking)

· Submit button (this will take them to registration confirmation page. The registration confirmation page will display a message that the registration has been completed. Use Response.Redirect method to display the registration confirmation page).

· Clear button (will clear the form)

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