
Help on this project

Ricky Jj

Ricky Jj


Add a simple form to your web site created in question 2. This web page should contain a label (Name), a text box, a message label, and two buttons (Submit and Clear). The user will type their name in the text box and click on the submit button. In response to the click on the submit button, display the message Good Morning name! (where name is the name typed by the user in the text box) in the message label. If the user click on the clear button then clear the text box and message label.

I used this code:


<!-- Enter an appropriate value for the action and the method attribute -->

<form "action"="" "method"="" action="message.aspx">

<!-- Enter an appropriate value for the name attribute -->

Enter Name : <br /><input type="text" size="25" name="" id="$Name"/>

<br />
<input type="submit" value="Submit!"/>



Some reason I cant get submit button to display Good Morning and the name?

I would appreciate any help and info

Answers (2)