
Help me in Visual Basic .NET

aseer alzaman

aseer alzaman

Hi for all,

I have a small project in Visual Basic .NET.

pleas help me to create this project and design a form for it.



A company did a survey in a town to determine the families that living under the poverty level. They collected information for 14 families. They got their yearly income and number of member in each family.

Task1: Entering and Displaying Data

A-Create a project to analyze an income survey. The statistics for each home include an identification code, the number of members in the household, and the yearly income. Entering data will be via text boxes. Use three arrays to define the home data elements (ID, Members, and Income).

B-The form will contain an Add menu item to add each row in the arrays.

C- The form will contain a Display menu item to display the data entered in the array to a list box.

D-Duplicated identification number is not allowed. Prevent duplication at the entering point.

Task2: Analyzing Data and Viewing Analyzed Data

A-You need also a Report menu item to display:
1-The identification number and annual income for each household that exceeds the annual income average. Display this report in a list box.
2-The percentage of households having income below the poverty level. The poverty level is 8000 for a family of one or two, plus 2000 for each additional member. For example, the poverty level for a family of 4 persons is: 8000 + (2*2000), which are 12000.

B- Add a combo box that retrieves all identification numbers from the array after last entry. When the user select any number, the annual income and number of persons of that family will displayed in text boxes.

Task3: Validating and Viewing Data

A- Validate data entry so that the system should not accept non-numeric data. Also make the maximum length for identification number to four digits and for number of persons to two digits only.
B- The number of rows should not exceed the last entry. When the user enters the last row, the Add button should be disabled.
C- The report button should be enabled only after finishing the data entry.
D- When the user clicks the display button at any time, he/she will get only the entered data sorted.
E- When displaying data, there should be titles for each type such as ID, Annual income, and Members.
F- Format any decimal figures to 2 decimal points.

Survey Data:-

ID number || Annual income || Number of persons
2497 12500 2
3323 13000 5
4521 18210 4
6789 8000 2
5476 6000 1
4423 16400 3
6587 25000 4
5555 15000 2
0085 19700 3
3097 20000 8
4480 23400 5
0265 19700 2
8901 13000 3

Check Figures:-
1-There are 8 households exceed the average income.
2-Households below poverty level: 21.43%.
Answers (2)