
HELP - how to set the value in one textedit corresponding to another textedit value



I have a 2 textedit components on the form, one is txtedtDisplay, another one is txtedEnter. By default, i set the following text to each of the components: txtedtDisplay.Text = "The number is 0"; txtedEnter.Text = ""; After the form is loaded, both textedit component will shown..The user will then required to enter the value in txtedtEnter field. Each value that the users enter will affect the value in txtedtDisplay. For example, the user enter the value 68 for txtedtEnter. When he first enter the value "6", the value in txtedtDisplay will change to : "The number is 6". The user then enter value 8 in txtedtEnter and at this time, txtedtDisplay.Text will shown the following text :"The number is 68" .. How am i goin to do this ?? Can anyone help Please .. Thanks .
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