
H to fetch job name to append with labl , on custm list, new item page

Requirement :
i want to fectch job name from custom list name "Jobs" to show its "job name" while applying on job.
I have job details from ( custom list ),it shows label like "New item", i can change it to like "Job Details",
with "Job Details" , i want to show job name which is existed into joblist, so my label would be like this
Job Details ( Sr.software Engineer ) ,Job Details (Sharepoint Consultant ) etc.
Solution Required: How to fetch jobname from another list  on load time to bind its name, as mentioned above.
2 lists
1) Jobs ( contains job name )
2)candiateappliedlist ---> new item ---> contains query string of relevant job to apply  where i show jobname , which is fetched from "jobs list"
 Just update me , using querystring how to fetch job name on custom list ---> new item
attached are the images for reference.