
gridview excel or ??

sarra amin

sarra amin

idont speek english well sorry!
I work with visual web developer 2005 for the 1st time and sqlserver2005 to achieve an intranet site for the service school.

Now what they are doing is that university is:

For each semester, the registration service  write the names and num-registration ds register students this semester in an Excel worksheet for each level. 

each teacher introduced the notes of his field for different students in a column (note_matière1 for example) of this spreadsheet excel.

they use Excel to calculate ways,..

I spent a lot of time to test a gridview but there is no possibility of inserting a column if I:

Num_inscription         name        marks_frensh

1077                   ssss                     12

1078                  AAA                15

1079            kkkkk                       16

To insert the notes they need me whenever select and then click update for each student and it is not practical !!!!!

I spent a lot of time with and excel without result.

I consulted a lot of forum was told  than in the controls Infragistics, there is a grid like excel  but I need the license !!!!!!!

I dont   know if I happened to explain this project or not.

Thank you very much,

Thanks again.