
grid view related problem

Priyank Khare

Priyank Khare


i am facing some problem to retrieve some records..

i am using a table in which records are as like below.

hotelid  hotel name  facility  amenity  room
1  abc  1,2  2,3  3,4
2  bcs  4,5  6,7  4

when we click on highlighted hyperlink, then following table will be open-

roomid  room  amenity 
3   abc  1,2 
2  bcs  4,5 

again, when we click on highlighted hyperlink, then following table will be open-

amenityid  room  amenity   cost  
1  abc  ghh  567
2  bcs  ythd  5676

my problem is that my facility & amenity columns hyperlinks are working properly..but everytime when i click on room hyperlink record.. it gives some error in gridview_rowdata bound on room page while it should have to firdtly go to page load but it goes directly to roompage's rowdata bound event.. i dont know why it is happening..?

please help me..
i am sending you my coding files as well..
please can resolve my problem..
i' ve to submit this today.
please reply me..

thank you.

Attachment: new folder.zip

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