Jobject obj=JObject.Parse(responsecontent); but always I am getting the following error.
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"id": null, "result": "{\"status\": \"success\", \"res\": [{\"Rollnumber\": \"1581\", \"Receipt Time\": \"13:38:32\"},{\"Rollnumber\": \"1582\", \"Receipt Time\": \"15:10:32\"}]}}
I tried with Jobjects and Jtokens I am getting the result in the object but I am unable get the child object res\ token object values to insert this data into the sql server datatable.
I tried with res keyword and using stringbuilder I am concatinating \ to res i.e res\ keyword.
I tried different ways but always getting the cannot access child key value on newtonsoft.json.linq.jvalue error.
Please tell me how to get the res object and using loop I need to insert res object values in the sql server datatable.