
GetOpenFileName in C#

Hi everybody! Maybe there is somebody who can give me a bit of help; I am about to give up: I need to ‘translate’ in C# the function GetOpenFileName to include a FileOpenDlg in a Dlg template containing other components, but I cannot handle in C# the reference to the Dialog template resource and the call back function. Below is the code: [ StructLayout( LayoutKind.Sequential, CharSet=CharSet.Auto )] public class OpenFileName { public int structSize=0; public IntPtr dlgOwner= IntPtr.Zero; public IntPtr hInstance=IntPtr.Zero; public String filter = null; public String Customfilter= null; public int maxCustFilter=0; public int filterIndex=0; public String file= null; public int maxFile = 0; public String fileTitle= null; public int maxFileTitle= 0; public String initialDir= null; public String title = null; public int flags=0; public Int16 fileOffset=0; public Int16 fileExtension=0; public String defExt= null; public IntPtr custData=IntPtr.Zero; public IntPtr fnHook= IntPtr.Zero; public String TemplateName=null; } [ DllImport( "Comdlg32.dll", CharSet=CharSet.Auto )] public static extern bool GetOpenFileName([ In, Out ] OpenFileName ofn ); …….. ……. private void cmdOpenClick(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { OpenFileName ofn=new OpenFileName(); ofn.structSize=Marshal.SizeOf(ofn); ofn.dlgOwner= this.Handle; ofn.hInstance=IntPtr.Zero; ofn.filter="Program(*.exe)\0*.exe\0Text Files (*.txt;*.doc;*.wri)\0*.txt;*.doc;*.wri\0All (*.*)\0*.*\0\0";; ofn.Customfilter = null; ofn.maxCustFilter=0; ofn.filterIndex=0; ofn.file=new String(new char[_MaxPath]); ofn.maxFile=ofn.file.Length; ofn.fileTitle=new String(new char[_MaxFile]); ofn.maxFileTitle=ofn.fileTitle.Length; ofn.initialDir="C:\\"; ofn.title="Open file"; ofn.flags= OFN_EXPLORER|OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE|OFN_ENABLEHOOK; ofn.fileOffset=0; ofn.fileExtension=0; ofn.defExt= null; ofn.custData=IntPtr.Zero; ofn.fnHook=??????????????????????????; ofn.TemplateName=????????????????????; bool risp=GetOpenFileName(ofn); } Any pretty good ideas? Many tanks in advance!! mino