I have data table onclick of one cell i need to take the whole row data,but it's giving only visible columns data,,How can i get the whole row data??I need to take row data and pass to one function as parameters.
Here it is what i tried,it is giving error like "table.row is not a function",
Sample code
- <div class="panel-body">
- <table id="Getmaildetailstable" class="table table-striped display" width="100%" >
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- <th>Starredflag</th>
- <th>Importantflag</th>
- <th>Mailid</th>
- <th>Mailbox</th>
- <th>LogicalID</th>
- <th>Starred</th>
- <th>Important</th>
- <th>Subject</th>
- <th>attachments</th>
- <th>mailsize</th>
- <th data-date-format="yyyymmdd">Created On</th>
- <th data-date-format="yyyymmdd">Received On</th>
- <th>Difference value</th>
- <th>From</th>
- <th>Due flag op</th>
- <th>To</th>
- <th>Read status</th>
- <th>Incident_no</th>
- <th>classification</th>
- <th>Overdue</th>
- <th>Attachments</th>
- </tr>
- </thead>
- </table>
- </div>
- Getmaildetailstable = $('#Getmaildetailstable').DataTable({
- columnDefs: [{
- orderable: false,
- className: 'select-checkbox',
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 0,
- visible: false
- }, {
- data: "STARRED_FLAG",
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 1,
- visible: false
- },
- {
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 2,
- visible: false
- }, {
- data: "EMAIL_ID",
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 3,
- visible: false
- }, {
- data: "EMAILBOX",
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 4,
- visible: false
- }, {
- data: "LOGICAL_ID",
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 5,
- visible: false
- }, {
- data: "image",render: getStarredflag,
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 6,
- visible: true
- },{
- data:"image",render: getImportantflag,
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 7,
- visible: true
- },{
- data: "SUBJECT",
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 8,
- "render": function ( data, type, row ) {
- return '<a href="javascript:void(0)">' + data + '</a>';
- },
- visible: true
- },{
- data: "attachments",
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 9,
- visible: false
- },{
- data: "MAIL_SIZE",
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 10,
- visible: false
- },{
- data: "CREATE_DATE",
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 11,
- visible: true
- },{
- data: "RECEIVE_DATE",
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 12,
- visible: false
- },{
- data: "flag",
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 13,
- visible: false
- },{
- data: "FROM_ADDRESS",
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 14,
- visible: true
- },{
- data: "flagday",
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 15,
- visible: false
- },{
- data: "TO_ADDRESS",
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 16,
- visible: true
- },{
- data: "READ_STATUS",
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 17,
- visible: false
- },{
- data: "INCIDENT_NO",
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 18,
- visible: false
- },{
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 19,
- visible: false
- },{
- data: "overdue",
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 20,
- visible: true
- },{
- data: "image",render: getImg,
- defaultContent: "",
- targets: 21,
- visible: true
- }],
- select: {
- style: 'single',
- selector: 'td:first-child'
- },
- order: [
- [2, 'asc']
- ],
- "searching": false,
- "lengthChange": true
- });
- $(document).on('click','#Getmaildetailstable tr',function(e){
- var table = $(this);
- var row_object = table.row(this).data();
- var mailidrow = table.row(this).data()['EMAIL_ID'];
- var mailboxidrow = table.row(this).data()['EMAILBOX'];
- var logicalidrow = table.row(this).data()['LOGICAL_ID'];
- var subjectrow = table.row(this).data()['SUBJECT'];
- });