
Get Warnings for Font Substitution in Excel File Rendering

David Zondray

David Zondray


What is new in this release?

We are pleased to announce the new release of Aspose.Cells for .NET 8.1.2. This new release contains some useful features and other improvements.  It also includes over 20 fixes and other enhancements. Aspose.Cells APIs generally use TrueType Fonts (TTFs) when a task involves rendering spreadsheets to images or portable formats such as PDF. Aspose.Cells detects which fonts are required by scanning the spreadsheet styles and tries to find the required fonts on the machine where conversion is taking place. There could be situations when the required fonts are not available. In such cases, Aspose.Cells substitutes the required font with a similar available one. With this release, Aspose.Cells provides the means to receive warnings if a font substitution has occurred during the spreadsheet rendering process. This mechanism is available through a set of classes, interfaces and properties that have been added with version 8.1.2. In the new version, we have fixed a few exceptions that occurred while writing Microsoft Excel files to PDF and ODS. In this release, several important issues have been addressed. For example, issues around manipulating style and formatting, rendering and manipulating pivot tables, manipulating shapes, rendering images from Excel worksheets, manipulating charts, rendering images files from charts, Smart Markers and exporting Excel workbooks to PDF format have been resolved. We have also fixed a few issues regarding Aspose.Cells formula calculation engine. This release includes few enhanced features and plenty of bug fixes as listed below

·         FileFormatUtil.DetectFileFormat uses all system's available memory while detecting a corrupted spreadsheet

·         Data is missing when PivotTable is converted to PDF

·         Total Title is missing when PivotTable is converted to PDF

·         Cell Merging Problem when PivotTable is converted to PDF

·         PivotTable bug regarding Subtotals

·         Arrow lines are too thick than in Excel

·         Merged cell content disappears when rows are filtered and spreadsheet is converted to HTML

·         Aspose.Cells produce arrow double in thickness while converting XLS to PDF

·         Printed result is not centered correctly and last line get lost

·         The text in merged cells are not showing when convert to PDF

·         Shape to image Error while converting ExcelShapeToImageRedactedEx.xls to Tiff

·         Shape to image Error while converting ExcelShapeToImageError.xls to Tiff

·         Line is very thick when saved as pdf using Aspose cells

·         Excel chart labels are overlapping after opening and saving the xlsm file

·         Match formula is not calculated correctly with Workbook.CalculateFormula

·         #NUM! error when reading certain cells

·         Smart Markers - Cells Formatting not retained on Group:Merge, Skip:1

Other most recent bug fixes are also included in this release.

Newly added documentation pages and articles

Some new tips and articles have now been added into Aspose.Cells for .NET documentation that may guide you briefly how to use Aspose.Cells for performing different tasks like the followings.

  -  Get Warnings for Font Substitution while Rendering Excel File: http://www.aspose.com/docs/display/cellsnet/Get+Warnings+for+Font+Substitution+while+Rendering+Excel+File

  -  Converting Worksheet to Image: http://www.aspose.com/docs/display/cellsnet/Converting+Worksheet+to+Image

Overview: Aspose.Cells for .NET

Aspose.Cells is a .NET component for spreadsheet reporting without using Microsoft Excel. It supports robust formula calculation engine, pivot tables, VBA, workbook encryption, named ranges, spreadsheet formatting, drawing objects like images, OLE objects and importing or creating charts. You can also create Excel file using designer spreadsheet, smart marker or API and apply formulae and functions. It supports CSV, XLS, SpreadsheetML, OOXML, XLSB, CSV, HTML, ODS, PDF, XPS and all file formts from Excel 97 to Excel 2007. You can also view, generate, modify, convert, render and print workbooks all without using Microsoft Excel.

More about Aspose.Cells for .NET

- Homepage of Aspose.Cells for .NET: http://www.aspose.com/.net/excel-component.aspx

- Product Overview for Aspose.Cells for .NET: http://www.aspose.com/documentation/.net-components/aspose.cells-for-.net/product-overview.html

-  Download Aspose.Cells for .NET:  http://www.aspose.com/community/files/51/.net-components/aspose.cells-for-.net/default.aspx

Contact Information

Aspose Pty Ltd,

Suite 163, 79 Longueville Road

Lane Cove, NSW, 2066



[email protected]

Phone: 888.277.6734

Fax: 866.810.9465