Hello everyone i have use this code for get blog categories data .but here i have face a issue not get Title,UrlSlug,PostDate
customEntityResult.Items.-Title,PostDate and UrlSlug here
BlogPostDataModel-Other data here
private PagedQueryResult<BlogPostSummary> MapBlogPosts(PagedQueryResult<CustomEntityRenderSummary> customEntityResult)
var Categoryid = Convert.ToInt32(HttpContext.Request.Cookies["CategoryId"]);
var blogPosts = new List<BlogPostSummary>();
var result = customEntityResult.Items.Select(x => (BlogPostDataModel)x.Model).Where(x => x.CategoryIds.Contains(Convert.ToInt32(Categoryid))).ToList();--Here filter Record based on Id
int i = 0;
foreach (var customEntitys in result)
if (customEntitys.CategoryIds.Any(x => x == Categoryid))
var blogPost = new BlogPostSummary();
blogPost.ShortDescription = customEntitys.ShortDescription;
blogPost.TestHtml = Regex.Replace(customEntitys.TestHtml ?? "", "<.*?>|&.*?;", "");