
Get only Matching record.

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Guest User

I have get record from three table using linq c# .it's working fine but i have face issue i want to get record based on id and status .I have use this query
  1. var Fav = (from FV in _context.TblFavUserVideo  
  2. join VM in _context.TblVideoMaster on FV.FileId equals VM.FileId into VMs  
  3. from VM in VMs.DefaultIfEmpty()  
  4. join EV1 in _context.TblEducationalVideo on FV.EducationalImageId equals EV1.EducationalId into EV1s  
  5. from EV1 in EV1s.DefaultIfEmpty()  
  6. join EV in _context.TblEducationalVideo on FV.EducationalVideoId equals EV.EducationalId into EVs  
  7. from EV in EVs.DefaultIfEmpty()  
  8. where FV.UserId == obj_parameter.UserId && FV.IsFav== obj_parameter.Status || VM.VideoFavStatus == true || FV.SubCategoryVideoFavStatus == true || FV.EdcuationalImageStatus == true || FV.EdcuationalVideoStatus == true  
  9. select new  
  10. {  
  11. FV.FavId,  
  12. FV.IsFav,  
  13. FV.UserId,  
  14. FV.SubCategoryVideoFavStatus,  
  15. FV.EdcuationalVideoStatus,  
  16. FV.EdcuationalImageStatus,  
  17. FV.UpdatedDate,  
  18. VM.FilePath,  
  19. VM.VideoTitle,  
  20. VM.VideoDescription,  
  21. EV.Title,  
  22. EV.Description,  
  23. EV1.ImagePath,  
  24. ImageTitle = EV1.Title,  
  25. Desc = EV1.Description,  
  26. EV.EducationalId,  
  27. EV.VideoPath  
  28. }).ToList();  
  29. I will send  
  30. {  
  31. "UserId":37,  
  32. "Status":1  
  33. }  
this param .But here all record showing for e.g total 80 record in my table loop are 80 time run.So my api very late response .Please resolve this issue
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