
Get max integer value from varchar field using Between claus

HI, I have a table where the varchar field is used to store a alphanumeric values. I want to get the MAX value from the field without considering the alpha numeric values.
create table #Temp
id int,
number Varchar(50),
truncate table #Temp
insert into #Temp values(1,'100001')
insert into #Temp values(1,'100000')
insert into #Temp values(1,'12')
insert into #Temp values(1,'8')
insert into #Temp values(1,'5')
insert into #Temp values(1,'1d8')
insert into #Temp values(1,'20')
insert into #Temp values(1,'100000-01425')
 select * from #Temp
When I select the row i will get all row, now I want MAX value of the records having only numeric values which should be in selected range.
I have tried following query but didn't worked as expected.
 It returns 100001 as output.
SELECT MAX(CAST(c.number as int)) [CurrentSourceKey]
FROM #Temp c
WHERE c.number not like '%[a-z]%' AND
ISNUMERIC(c.number) = 1 AND
c.number BETWEEN '1' AND '20'
Output should be
please help.
Answers (2)