I am having monthwise data i should convert it into halfyeardata with sum values''
Please tell me if anyone knows
DS100 2018-01-01 100
DS101 2018-02-01 100
DS100 2018-07-01 100
DS100 2018-02-01 100
I need like below result
DS100 Halfyear1 200 2018
DS100 Halfyear2 100 2018
DS101 Halfyear1 100 2018
Hi ,
i got answer myselg,please have a look
select DSID,Sum(IntValue),(datepart(mm,MONTH)-1)/6+1 as [halfyearly],datepart(yy,MONTH) as [year] from MonthlyData group by DSID,datepart(yy,MONTH),(datepart(mm,MONTH)-1)/6+1