Get Element Value from Web browser control
I'm calling a web page in a winform webbrowser control.
The webbrowser is being used to take the user information and submit it the database, creating an item
On the winform I have a submit button that invokes ("click")
Dim doc As HtmlDocument
doc = WebBrowser1.Document
Which works fine
After I need my winform to know what item was created. On my webpage I have a hidden field. After submit the hidden field is populated with the item value.
I now need the winform to read this value.
Dim doc As HtmlDocument = WebBrowser1.Document
Dim docelement As HtmlElement = doc.GetElementById("hdnitemid")
item_id = docelement.GetAttribute("value")
Not working item_id returns nothing.
If I look at the webpage source, the hidden value is populated with an value. I think posting the value on to another page will fix my issue, but I want to avoid doing that.
Help will be appreciated.