
Get Client Machine IPAddress if it is in a network

Haritha B

Haritha B

Hi All,
I have deployed .net application in Azure.I am using the below code to get Cleint machine IP address.It is working fine for personal systems but if i accessed the applicaiton from my office which is connected in a network ,I am getting same public ip for all systems in my office.
public string GetIPAddress()
IPHostEntry Host = default(IPHostEntry);
string Hostname = null;
Hostname = System.Environment.MachineName;
ViewBag.UserHostName = Hostname;
Host = Dns.GetHostEntry(Hostname);
foreach (IPAddress IP in Host.AddressList)
if (IP.AddressFamily == System.Net.Sockets.AddressFamily.InterNetwork)
IPAddress = Convert.ToString(IP);
return IPAddress;
I want to identify each individual IP who is accessing the applicaton. Can anyone help me how can I retrieve invidual system ip if I accessed from office also.
Thanks in advance...
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