
Get CheckBox value from div element in C#

hi ! Dear 
skills : asp.net with C# 
Please help me . i am fresher. 
1 upload excel file and save file inside the web server.
2 Create GetExcelData() method they will stored into dt table then i
3 Create dynamic checkbox and set its id and text pty from dt object(i mean checkBox text pty should be Excel sheet colum name like
Id,FirstName,MiddleName,Age) and our checkbox Put into divCheckBox div element bcz checkbox genrated dynamically.
Issues is from here .
4 i want to make one gridview .that record will bind dynamically. i mean if i checked Id ,FirstName CheckBox ( they are above given ).
so only this checkbox column's record must be bind into gridview from our Excel sheet and if again i checked another one checkbox like MiddleName
they also bind into Gridview
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