var Result = _context.TblVideoMaster.Join(_context.CategoryMaster, r => r.CategoryId, p => p.CategoryTypeId, (r, p) => new { r,p }).Join(_context.TblSubCategoryDetails, d => d.r.SubCategoryId, ro => ro.SubCategoryId, (d, ro) => new { d, ro })
.Where(x => x.d.r.UserId == Id)
.Select(m => new
UserId = m.d.r.UserId,
CategoryName = m.d.p.CategoryName,
SubCategory =,
FilePath = m.d.r.FilePath
use this query get subcategory video.But i have face issue i have click like throwing category -get subcategory drills .it's working
But i have click Catching category .same record get (throwing category).