
functions help

klkfds lkjlk

klkfds lkjlk

I have a function in one class that i wish to fire from another class but it just dosent seeem to happen, I  have tried delegates to inform the class containing the method to fire the event that an event has been fired in the other class. I have also tried making a new instance of the class with the method and alough it runs it dosent function as it should.

this is maybe better explained if i describe it that one class has a web browser and a method to connect to a link, The other class also has a method that I wish to run the  method(to connect to a link in the first class from).

 If I create a new instance of the class containg the web browser  in the method of the second class and run the method to navigate to a web site which is contained in the first class, when it fires the browser does nothing.

Can anyone help me here and maybe show me how to do this. Many Thanks

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