
From DATA GRID VIEW how to BIND the DATA in to EXCEL

narasiman rao

narasiman rao

output as follows in data grid view
Date    Session   RK      CMK    CNN      Gs    VB    JN     (Faculty Name)
7/1/2013 1        REO      PH2      REO    TAS   AM    VH
7/1/2013 2        PH2       AM       TAs   AM   VH     REO
7/1/2013 3        AM        TAs      REO  PH2   VH     TAS
8/1/2013 1       PH2        REO     TAS    VH  AM      PH2
8/1/2013 2      AM          PH2      REO  AM  VH      TAs
8/1/2013 3      TAs         AM       VH     REO VH     PH2
i want the report which faculty has taken course on date and session wise ;
for example RK(Faculty Name)
i want output as follows in EXCEL SHEET  RK(Faculty Name) from the data grid view.

RK(Faculty Name)
Date         Session   Course
7/1/2013      1            REO
7/1/2013     2             PH2
7/1/2013     3            AM
8/1/2013     1           PH2
8/1/2013     2           AM
8/1/2013     3          TAs

form Data  Grid eIew how to  Bind the Reocrds into EXCEl.

how to do; please send the code.
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